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Hi, we’re Light your dreams, we love dabbling in everyday magic and making at-home rituals easy with our 7-day candles.

If you’re like a lot of people, you know there’s more to life… a feeling, a vibe, an energy. And that, dear friend, is the inkling where magic begins.

At Light your dreams, we’re a team of unashamedly spiritually curious woo-woo lovers. That means we love to create rituals in our everyday life.

Because guess what? A ritual doesn’t have to be dancing under the moon naked or casting spells (unless that’s your thing, in which case, we love it!). Your very own ritual is as easy as lighting a 7-day candle and setting your intention. Or if you wish, you can just light one of our candles and have it around the house to raise your vibration and energy. 

The truth is, everything is energy (even Albert Einstein said so). By setting, feeling and owning a strong intention, we bring it to life. 

Speaking of which, click here for our easy at-home ritual <link to section on about page>. Here’s a quick run-through (all you need is 5 minutes):

1. Decide what you want more of in your life or which area needs an infusion of focused energy.

2. Choose the candle colour (or colours, because sometimes we need more than one area of our lives lit) that match your desires.

3. Find somewhere you won’t be disturbed and place your candle in front of you on a stable, flat surface.

4. Take a few slow, deep breaths to come into the present moment and ground yourself.

5. Close your eyes and focus your intention on what you want more of.

6. Light your candle. 

7. Focus on your candle for a few moments.

8. Then close your eyes for a few minutes and visualise your intention coming to life: see it, feel it, smell it, be grateful for it.

9. Smile, cause we all need to smile more right? And know within your heart that your intention is moving to you.

Try to keep the candle lit, because as the candle burns, the flame is energising and releasing the energy you placed into it. Be sure to place your candle somewhere safe so it won’t fall over or be disturbed. 

And voila! Lighting your dreams with your very own ritual is so easy, anyone can do it.

If you have any questions about your candles, you can reach our friendly team here. And remember to mention us on Instagram @light.yourdreams or use #lightyourdreams and share your rituals with us. We love seeing your own journey with our candles!

Meet our founder, Dee.

Hi, I'm Dee. I'm an Intuitive Energy Healer and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner who specialises in fertility and pregnancy

As someone who works with, sees and loves energy, I’ve always been drawn to magic, healing and rituals. As part of my own healing and self-awareness, I started working with a Shaman who asked me to use 7-day candles. He specified the candle colours and the order in which I needed to burn them every day.

That’s when I found it was almost impossible to buy reasonably priced 7-day candles within Australia (and the shipping from overseas was ridiculously expensive!). I wanted to continue my spiritual work with him and I knew others in Australia were working with this Shaman too. That’s when the design and intention for Light your dreams was born.

Through lots of research, I found the right supplier who cares about the quality of their products. What that means for you is our 7-day candles are made with a clean and long-burning wax blend, and a 100% cotton wick.

As a healer, I know energy is everything, so all of our candles are reiki-cleansed when they arrive in the warehouse. This clears out any energy they’ve picked up on their travels and ensures they’re ready for you to set your intention and focus your own energy and power on what you want to bring into your life.

I love that our team supplies candles to people all around Australia: from the spiritually curious, to Wiccans, Witches, Healers or anyone working with a Shaman. And I love that I can help you bring your intentions to light.

Everyday magic starts with you. So what are you waiting for? It’s time to Light YOUR Dreams.

Dee x

Ignite your intentions with our 7-day ritual candles

You can start with as little as one candle or keep the magic going with a multi-pack, or our Magic Membership where you select your colours and we deliver to you every month: